The Power of Storytelling in Marketing

The Power of Storytelling in Marketing

Storytelling has been around for ages.

To this day, people love stories. It unites people while stimulating imagination and passion. Although often seen as a fun pastime, stories usually have a purpose, such as sharing a message, conveying a moral, or telling history. 

Humanize the business

One sometimes overlooked use of stories is within business marketing campaigns.

Stories can be especially moving in the marketing world. Storytelling humanizes the brand, which is beneficial because people like buying from other people. The more you can humanize the brand, the better. 

Stories to remember 

Storytelling is also useful for remembrance.

People tend to remember stories better than they do statistics. Sometimes, being remembered is half the battle. After all, the marketing world is saturated with numerous businesses vying for attention. “Brands that tell more sell more.” Storytelling is a unique way to stand out. Stories take on different formats depending on their purpose. 

What is storytelling in marketing? 

Marketing in storytelling has a couple of unique features. 

Storytelling in marketing is… 

  • Combining information with a narrative. It takes skill to effortfully combine relevant information into a story. But that’s exactly what great storytelling marketing strategies do. They effortlessly combine the facts with the story.
  • Your brand: storytelling elevates your brand. Your brand in itself is already meant to humanize your business and give customers an idea to attach themselves. Storytelling will help you achieve this.
  • About your customers. Your customers are at the heart of every story. Your main character resembles your ideal customer. The better the characters resemble your customers, the more effective your storytelling will be.
  • Emotional and engaging. Stories are fun. Stories are emotional. Don’t shy away from these key components because it’s a marketing campaign. If you can add emotionality and engagement to your story, the better the story will be. Commercials that generate a chuckle or a tear are the ones that are the most memorable and impactful. 

Stories can be found in all shapes and sizes. 

  • Stories can be written. Written stories are found in articles, blogs and books
  • Stories can be spoken. Spoken stories are at presentations and pitch panels.
  • Stories can be in an audio format such as within a podcast
  • Stories can be digital. Digital stories are in videos, animations, interactive stories, and games. 

The medium in which you tell your story is important because how the story is told adds to the meaning of the story. 

How to tell compelling stories


Great storytelling takes practice.

Effectively combining your company into a story that is compelling and coherent is challenging. It takes time, patience, and practice to develop the skill. Just remember that, like everything, practice yields improvement.

With storytelling, the best way to improve is by doing. However, having a good foundation is helpful. 

Remember your basic storytelling outline:

  • The introduction sets the scene and gets the audience wanting more.
  • The rising action is where the conflict is set up and built. Tension and suspense are created. 
  • The climax is the most exciting part of the story. The tension that has been rising bursts and the conflict emerges.
  • In the falling action, things settle down and go back to normal.
  • The conclusion. Every story needs a conclusion. In marketing, it is generally best if the ending is a happy one. Usually, happiness is created from your product or service. Here is the best part to include a call-to-action where you encourage the potential client to buy from your business. 

The characters 

A great story has great characters.

In marketing, the best characters are relatable. The more your potential customers relate to the characters in your story, the more they can empathize with the character’s problems. The prospective client will then see your company as a means to fix their problems. 

Try implementing new strategies, such as storytelling, to your marketing campaign to complement the new year. 

Hey, Coronavirus, we have you in our sights. Your day of reckoning is coming.