Story in Colors

Leading with Empathy During Uncertain Times

Leading with Empathy During Uncertain Times COVID-19 is officially a pandemic, and millions of Americans are working at home. Even if you aren’t sick, you feel the impact of this pandemic. As the coronavirus has spread across the globe, the CDC has made drastic recommendations on social distancing, self-quarantines, and statewide “stay at home” mandates. Through this unprecedented season, what…

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Fishing with Irresistible Hooks

4 Irresistible Hooks for Your Next Ad Want to catch a fish? Then use the right bait! If landing a sale is your ultimate goal, first, you must entice people to take a closer look. Effective marketing strategies often involve a “hook,” which is a short phrase, jingle, or attention-grabbing device. Sales hooks bridge the gap between prospects and customers…

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Hey, Coronavirus, we have you in our sights. Your day of reckoning is coming.