Story in Colors

Communicate Excellence with Vibrant Printed Posters and Signs

Communicate Excellence with Vibrant Printed Posters and Signs One glance is truly all it takes, and recent eye-tracking studies demonstrate how quickly first impressions happen. Dr. Hong Sheng, assistant professor of technology at the Missouri University of Science and Technology, employed eye-tracking software to analyze and scan response patterns as students viewed website screenshots. Subjects averaged merely 180 milliseconds on a particular…

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Cut Through the Clutter with Beautiful Print Promotions

Cut Through the Clutter with Beautiful Print Promotions With the glut of digital marketing, average media consumers are staggering under the weight of spam e-mail and annoying pop-up ads. The “digital deluge” has also prompted a volume decrease in snail mail, allowing direct mail and print promotions to take center stage. Print pleases the eye and demands an emotional response,…

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Pack Extra Meaning into Your Message with Strategic Color Combinations

Pack Extra Meaning into Your Message with Strategic Color Combinations Of all the elements of design, color is probably the most challenging to understand.  Color originates from a light source that is viewed directly or seen as reflected light. While colors can be displayed in spectrums, prisms, or contrasts, the power of colors is not only in their arrangement, but…

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Hey, Coronavirus, we have you in our sights. Your day of reckoning is coming.