
Your Mini-Guide to Business Branding

Your Mini-Guide to Business Branding Branding helps your business create the desired image of your company by clarifying and expanding what your company stands for. According to Kotler and Keller, “Branding is endowing products and services with the power of a brand.” It helps put your business above the competition by giving customers an idea to attach themselves to. It affects…

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Hard vs.Soft Selling

Hard vs.Soft Selling Selling isn’t easy, no matter what you’re selling. How do you know which tactics work best and in which situations? Check out the difference between a hard sell and a soft sell below to determine which approach will work best for your business. In Corner One: The Hard Sell The hard sell is used to close a…

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Hey, Coronavirus, we have you in our sights. Your day of reckoning is coming.