
5 Keys to Crafting a Dynamic Sales Appeal

5 Keys to Crafting a Dynamic Sales Appeal Slack, one of the most popular business communication platforms, was originally born out of a web-based game called Glitch. As Glitch developed, the company building the game realized communication was paramount to its success. The Glitch Team, tired of firing emails back and forth, built a more efficient communication tool based on…

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Tell a Beautiful Story with Five Design Principles

Tell a Beautiful Story with Five Design Principles Did you know that 90% of the information processed by your brain is visual? Design is powerful. It takes only 13 milliseconds for the human brain to process an image, and 80% of people will remember the visuals they see. In today’s generation, audiences demand short, highly-visual content, and coordinating your design elements is…

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4 Ways to Lead a Team that Goes the Distance

4 Ways to Lead a Team that Goes the Distance A marathon isn’t enough anymore. Around one million people took part in marathon races in 2018, but ultramarathons (ranging from 50 km to multi-day races) are one of running’s fastest-growing fashions. Ultramarathon participation is up more than 1,000 percent over the last two decades!  While physical endurance is paramount to…

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Hey, Coronavirus, we have you in our sights. Your day of reckoning is coming.