The Benefits of Banners A banner is a large piece of fabric or flag used to advertise a business by displaying a slogan, logo, symbol, or promotional offer. It is one of the oldest forms of advertising, and it is still around today because it is low cost and effective. Benefits of Banners Banners have a wide array of benefits. Below…
Using Direct Mail to Promote Your Website Both direct mail—the printed word—and websites are essential in promoting your business. So, how does it work? What’s the secret to using direct mail to promote your online presence? Let’s take a look. Don’t rely on Google to sell your site to anyone. Just because you have a website doesn’t mean you will…
How to Find and Communicate Your Unique Selling Proposition A unique selling proposition, or USP, differentiates your business from your competitors. It helps you stand out and is why customers decide to buy from you over competitors. In online markets, where there are many competitors, it’s essential to stand out. USPs identify your target market, why your business exists, and…
Decrease Clutter for a Happier, Healthier, More-Productive You Clutter can be detrimental to your success. A messy desk and office may seem normal, but it is a problem that can make you less successful. According to the National Association of Professional Organizations, paper clutter is the number 1 problem for most businesses. Studies show the average person wastes 4.3 hours per…
10 Ways to Get People to Respond to Your Marketing Efforts Marketing takes time and money to execute well, which means it needs to hit the mark and provide a good return on investment. Here are ten ways to ensure your marketing efforts get the response you’re looking for. 1. Find your target market. It’s great to think that your…