6 Steps to Find Your Print Marketing Target Audience

6 Steps to Find Your Print Marketing Target Audience 

When you advertise, you need to know your target audience. And the same is true in print marketing.

A target market is the set of consumers that a company plans to sell to or reach with marketing activities.

A target audience is a group or segment within that target market that is being served in advertisements. The target audience, therefore, is a more specific subset of a target market.

Your target audience is united by common characteristics like demographics, e.g., men, women, teenagers, or children, and interests, like reading, running, or soccer.

To get your marketing message to reach this specific group of people, you need to know the decision maker and who supports them. Therefore, it’s vital to examine your target audience, so messages are exciting to the reader. 

This exercise will help define who to target in your marketing efforts. 

6 Steps to Find Your Print Marketing Target Audience 

1. Determine who already buys your product. 

Look at the demographics and patterns of your current consumers.

What age are they? Are they men or women or both? The better you understand the individuals already buying your products, the better you can reach new individuals who follow similar patterns.

2. Watch the competition. 

Look at who buys your competition’s products and services.

What are they focusing on right now? It could provide insight into what you should be focusing on at the moment too.

3. Develop personas.

Try to create 3-5 different types of personas—people who would typically buy your product or service.

Figure out what makes them tick. What do they watch on TV? Who do they vote for? What type of food do they eat? Build an entire personality profile of the person who would use your services.

4. Conduct surveys. 

Ask for information from those who buy your product.

You can do this with more formal methods like a paper or online survey, and you can even offer an incentive for participation. You can also take a more informal approach by simply talking to customers about their desires and preferences for your products and services. 

5. Be flexible in who you reach.

Your target audience can change depending on the offer you are making.

That is why it is so important to get specific about who you want to see it. Don’t generalize!

6. Use marketing metrics. 

Metrics help you take the guesswork out of knowing if your marketing is reaching the intended audience. 

Over 75% of businesses are already using marketing metrics to report how their campaigns directly influence revenue.

When focusing on your target audience, be specific. And make sure your marketing materials are fulfilling the goals of your customers.

We can help you create engaging print marketing pieces that will catch your customers’ eyes and help them take notice of you. Contact us today!

Hey, Coronavirus, we have you in our sights. Your day of reckoning is coming.