7 Top Ways to Show Appreciation to Customers

7 Top Ways to Show Appreciation to Customers

Gratitude is a great skill to possess.

“I think gratitude is a big thing. It puts you in a place where you’re humble,” said Andra Day. 

And humility is a wonderful attribute, primarily when serving the public. When you meet up with prospective clients, gratitude is vital. We receive a much better welcome when people see how thankful we are to meet with them and to have their continued support. 

Research has proven that returning customers spend 67% more than new customers, and 82% of customers are brand loyal. 

So, what else can you do to show appreciation besides saying thank you?  

Here are some ideas to show your gratitude.

 7 Top Ways to Show Appreciation to Customers

1. Send a Thank-You Note

Send a thank-you note in a letter, hand-written and signed by you.

Sure, it takes a little time, but keeping current customers happy is worth it—especially the ones you genuinely want to maintain a relationship with.

2. Make a Donation

Donate to something close to your customers’ hearts.

If they support a worthy cause you can get behind, consider donating something to these causes in their name. 

3. Offer a Discount

Offer a discount just for them.

One of the easiest ways to build customer loyalty is by rewarding your customers for their business with loyalty cards and retail rewards.

4. Do a Giveaway

Offer a giveaway prize package.

Want to share the love and give out prizes to your fans? Running a giveaway is a great way to show your appreciation. This will excite customers, and they might even tell their friends and colleagues. 

5. Offer Free Services

Offer more free services if possible.

When people began to feel the impact of the coronavirus and social distancing, some companies went above and beyond to help people adjust to a challenging new reality.

Some companies offered free services or better deals on their products. When there is a stressor in your customers’ lives, help out a little more. People notice it and will appreciate your help.

6. Talk Face-To-Face

Engage in face-to-face conversations with your clients.

Ultimately, people want to be seen and heard. Engaging with them in a conversation over video chat or, better yet, in person is a perfect way to thank them for supporting your company daily.

Listen to them rather than just pitching your ideas. Ask about their business and learn how you can genuinely help each other.

7. Acknowledge Them on Social Media

Feature customers on your blog or social media.

If they had a big event that you were able to be a part of, or help with in some way, show it. Portray pictures of the big day with words from them as to how the day went.

This is great to help celebrate their day. It’s also great to get the word out about how you help people.

Whatever you choose to show appreciation will elevate your customer relationship and nurture long-lasting bonds. If you need help printing stationary or customized packaging, let us know. We would love to help!

Hey, Coronavirus, we have you in our sights. Your day of reckoning is coming.