Direct Mail is Not Failing. Here’s Why.

Direct Mail is Not Failing. Here’s Why.

Direct mail is king in advertising.

It’s direct, in your hands, and grabs attention right away. There’s no cold calling, knocking on doors, or guessing if your direct mail made into your customers’ hands.

In a 2020 consumer survey, 71% of people reported reading the ads that come in the mail. And 54% say that direct mail ads motivated them to try a new business.

The Direct Mail Comeback

Postcards are an excellent example of direct mail that has made a comeback in the last few years due to the pandemic leaving people at home more.

Not leaving their homes meant people weren’t out searching for a better deal. Instead, they were at home, opening their mail and seeing great offers sent directly to them. Consumers learned that direct mail is a great starting point for their shopping.

The Personal Touch of Direct Mail

Direct mail has the advantage of personalization by putting the recipient’s name on it.

This connection is better than a TV commercial or online ad because readers know the offer is intended directly for them. Right now, there are programs designed to target just the right market so that your return on investment is spot on. You can pick people of the correct ages and genders for your product and tailor it to people who typically respond well to postcards and other direct mail.

During the pandemic, consumers were directed with QR codes to download menus everywhere. And when you add QR codes to direct mail, it adds a little more social interaction with the mail. It gets people to take the next step and download your information, and it works wonders.

The Rise of Digital Fatigue

Digital fatigue is real and prevalent.

In fact, 75% of consumers report being overwhelmed by the number of digital ads they see daily. This is good news for direct mail marketing because it won’t tire out the consumer with ads blinking in front of their faces. Instead, it presents a calm way to ask for their business.

Direct mail has a median ROI rate of 29%, which is only 1% behind social media. It’s proof that direct mail is still in the running, according to Neil Patel. “Like hot baths and candlelit dinners, direct mail has become romanticized in our culture,” Patel says. Direct mail campaigns let people know you want their business specifically, instead of sending out a broad email blast or digital ad.

According to the US Postal Service, 54% of people surveyed tried a new product or business in a six-month period in 2020 because they received a mail piece. That’s a great opportunity that many businesses are missing when they only focus on online ads.

Direct mail will always remain important to the business world, whether you use a postcard, brochure, or a letter directed to a specific type of person. We are here to help you in your efforts to run a direct mail campaign. Check us out today!

Hey, Coronavirus, we have you in our sights. Your day of reckoning is coming.