10 Ways to Get People to Respond to Your Marketing Efforts

10 Ways to Get People to Respond to Your Marketing Efforts


Marketing takes time and money to execute well, which means it needs to hit the mark and provide a good return on investment.

Here are ten ways to ensure your marketing efforts get the response you’re looking for. 

1. Find your target market.

It’s great to think that your business is for everyone, but it’s also unrealistic.

Marketers need to focus on the correct gender, age, profession, and so forth. That way, you know how to “talk” to them. Keep it real, and focus on who actually walks in your doors.

2. Point out the advantage of doing business with you.

Do your clients get freebies or a discount? Or maybe they get a free consultation?

Focus on the items that will get your prospects and clients to your door quicker. Offer them something unique that other people can’t get. If you target your market with direct mail, you can send specific offers to people you want to reach.

3. Find your niche and focus on it.

What makes your company special? How are you different from the competition? Show people how your company is doing business in a new, innovative way.

4. Target repeat customers.

Remember to target repeat customers rather than always looking to acquire new ones.

Clever marketing gurus find ways to include repeat customers and entice them to come back.

5. Follow up on your marketing.

Use a calendar to track when certain people have received their direct mail piece or other marketing, and then call on them.

Sometimes they just need an extra push along the way to get a hold of you.

6. Be personal with your marketing.

Make sure your target market feels special and knows you appreciate them and all their needs.

People are more likely to engage with advertising that they feel has been specifically tailored to them.

7. Create a hybrid campaign.

Direct mail is critical to most businesses’ success, but you’ll need to combine your efforts across multiple channels in today’s digital age. Use direct mail to point people to your website and online presence.

8. Test your marketing.

Rather than going all out right away, test your marketing on a small sample size.

Try mailing a small batch of direct mail to targeted customers. Then track it to see its efficacy before sending out the large campaign.

9. Use data points in your marketing.

Be sure to include codes on your promotional items so you can track your success. This will allow you to hone your advertising message and format to be more accurate.

10. Be patient.

While, of course, you want immediate responses, sometimes waiting is necessary to see if your efforts are working.

Remember that direct mail takes longer than clicking on a banner ad online. But the effort you put into your marketing will not go unnoticed.

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