The Hidden Benefits of Promotional Calendars

The Hidden Benefits of Promotional Calendars

Promotional calendars are an ingenious marketing tool to target loyal and prospective customers. 

The Benefits of Promotional Calendars

Promotional calendars utilize continuous, year-round advertising. 

Even in today’s digital age, printed calendars are still widely used. According to PPAI, 78% of consumers still use a printed calendar at home or work.

Therefore, if you give a calendar, the customer will most likely use it. After all, it can’t get much better than a free calendar. This calendar will hang in the customer’s home or office where they and their coworkers and family members will also see it. The recipient is bound to refer to it at least once a day. This equals at least 365 views per calendar. That’s a lot of advertising power!

Promotional calendars are cost-effective. 

Depending on where you go and what specific calendar you buy, a printed calendar will cost you roughly $2.00. That one calendar is likely to receive at least 365 views per year, translating to about half a cent per view. That’s some cost-effective marketing! 

Promotional calendars are recyclable.

The best way to show that you care about prevalent topics, such as the environment, is through action.

What better way to do this than by creating a recyclable product? Your impact on the environment will be lessened, and your customers will appreciate your efforts. 

Promotional calendar tips

Promotional calendars are incredibly effective but increase their potency with the following ideas. 

Add monthly specials and important business days to the calendar.

The customer is going to be referring to the calendar often. Take full advantage of this by reminding them about special deals and important business deals to increase sales and traffic. 

Feature customer stories.

Share some of the ways your business has helped individuals and the community by highlighting inspirational stories through your calendar. This will make the calendar more engaging while simultaneously generating trust between you and the customer. 

Personalize the calendar by adding the customer’s name.

Show your customers you genuinely care about them and their support by giving them a personalized calendar. This will make the client feel special. 

Include stickers with the calendar.

People of all ages enjoy stickers. Try including calendar-specific stickers, such as birthday, to-dos, laundry day, tax day, payday, etc. Look into creating customizable stickers so that your company can be advertised through them too. 

Try 18-month calendars.

This will help you get ahead of the curve by giving these out in June instead of December when most other businesses distribute their calendars. Once the customers start using your calendar, you can continue supplying as the years go on. 

Calendars are subtly powerful marketing strategies due to their usefulness and staying power. Soon, your customers will be asking you when your next calendar is coming out.

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