Psychology Techniques to Drive Sales for Your Business 

Psychology Techniques to Drive Sales for Your Business 

Knowing how the human brain works and what drives people to make decisions is immensely beneficial in marketing.

Luckily, there’s much research and information regarding various psychological tips and tricks to drive sales and expand your business. Here are a few.

Cut down on the options

Sometimes too many decisions can cause a customer to shut down, resulting in no sales. 

To avoid this, research your prospective client beforehand to determine what products or services would best suit their needs. When doing the sales pitch, focus on only these to cut down on the options. Even better, you can lump products into packages, so your prospect needs only to make one big purchasing decision instead of multiple small ones. 

No matter what you ultimately pitch to your client, it’s imperative you do so with the correct framing techniques. 

Utilize positive framing

Framing is how the information is presented. 

Positive framing increases sales. Therefore, try to sell your product or service in a positive light by homing in on the benefits. 

However, feelings other than positive ones can be beneficial if framed correctly. 

Fead your prospect’s fear of missing out (FOMO)

People are much more likely to act when they feel if they’re afraid of missing out on a great opportunity. 

Creating the sense of scarcity is an effective way to fuel FOMO within your prospect.  After all, the more rare something appears, the greater in value it becomes. Scarcity also presents a time limit for them to act, prompting them to buy soon. 

If the product or service is scarce because of high customer demand, then even better! The customer will assume the purchase will be a good choice because many other people seem to enjoy it too. 

The sense of scarcity can be artificially generated through limited editions and limited-time sales. 

Sometimes, FOMO is the main driver of a client’s decisions. Sometimes, it’s something else. Getting your client to articulate their thoughts to you can be immensely beneficial for the sales process. 

Get your client to tell you why

This one’s rather sneaky but highly effective because people are more likely to listen to themselves. 

If you can get your client to verbalize why exactly they want the product, then they will, in effect, want it more. To achieve this, ask your client why the product or service appeals to them and what’s holding them back. Your client will be able to tell you, and affirm to themselves, why they want the product or service. If something is holding them back, you will be able to better adjust your strategy.

You can get your client to want your products or services even more through promotional products. 

Give your prospect promotional products

When someone receives a gift, they’ll want to reciprocate the kind action. This makes them more likely to buy from you. 

Promotional products are ideal because not only are you generating a feeling of trust and reciprocity, you’re also advertising your company. The best promotional products are ones that your client will truly enjoy. Therefore, research your target market to create promotional products customized for this group. 

Giving and receiving are beneficial to both parties. Therefore, it’s helpful to get your client to give something as well. 

Ask your client for small favors

Once your client gets in the habit of doing small favors for you initially, they’re much more likely to agree to more significant favors down the road.

This is known as the Ben Franklin Effect. It is named after the founding father Ben Franklin, who, to build rapport, would ask someone for a small favor, such as lending him a book. This small act would generate feelings of warmth and helpfulness. 

In practice, this may look like asking your client to sign up for a free e-letter, share comments on social media, read blog posts, attend free webinars, or download an ebook. Later, when you ask them for something larger, such as to buy a product or service, they’re much more likely to do so. 

Not only will asking your client for small favors prime them for purchases down the road, but the small favors will help your client become more familiar with your business. 

Generate familiarity

Familiarity is good because it creates positive feelings. 

People like the things they are used to. Making your business familiar to your clients will help increase sales because as your business becomes more familiar, it becomes more trustworthy and good in their eyes. However, balance is essential. Too much can lead to oversaturation, which will backfire. Find the middle ground. 

Psychology is a powerful tool for persuasion. The above strategies will greatly help you increase your sales and the growth of your business!

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