8 Direct Mail Mistakes to Avoid

8 Direct Mail Mistakes to Avoid

You know you need to do direct mail.

After all, it’s been proven to be effective in getting the word out about your business, and it’s economical. Not only that, but it’s trackable to some extent.

In fact, 71% of people say they read their direct mail, and 54% say it leads them to try a new business or product. However, you only have about 3 seconds to get people to entertain your direct mail.

So what do you need to know when getting these little treasures ready to mail? There are some common mistakes people make when creating their direct mail. Here are some pitfalls to avoid.

8 Direct Mail Pitfalls to Avoid

Wrong Audience

When creating your direct mail, one mistake many people make is not writing it for the right audience.

You need to know who will be reading your direct mail and what they are looking for. Don’t write the copy as generic, meant for just anyone. Think about who you actually want to talk to through your letter, postcard, brochure, or other forms of direct mail. Then tailor it to the audience: men, women, certain ages or incomes, etc.

No Defined Goals

When creating a marketing campaign, you need to think about what you hope to accomplish.

Do you want to drive sales, have more people walk in your door, have more people go to your website, or other goals? You can’t accomplish everything, even if you really want to. You need to have specific goals that are somewhat measurable.

No White Space

We get excited about what we offer, but your audience needs the simplified version.

Don’t use too much text. Customers won’t read it because it looks daunting. Make sure you keep it short and sweet. Use active verbs and exciting adjectives, but choose words carefully.

No Call to Action

Yikes! You put all this effort into amazing direct mail, but you forget to ask customers to take the next step.

This is a setup for failure. We need to make sure we tell people what to do next. “Call us today!” “Stop in our store today!” “Check out our website.” There are so many ways to ask customers to take the next step.

Don’t assume they know what you want them to do. And don’t be afraid to ask for the sale or whatever you want them to do next. Just keep it simple. Only ask them to do one thing, and don’t overload them with requests.

It Focuses on Features

Even though you are interested in your accomplishments or where your business is going, your customers probably aren’t that interested.

They want value.

Tell them how you will make their lives easier and how your product helps them. Be results-oriented rather than features-oriented.  

Being Coupon Crazy

Direct mail coupons are great for repeat customers, but you don’t want to build a culture around saving a buck.

Focus on value more than saving money. Every once in a while, use a coupon, but don’t let this be your go-to.

Not Making It Personal

It’s so easy now to personalize direct mail.

Include their name, birthday, or anniversary. Choose colors and images that represent the demographics well. People tend to hang onto these types of direct mail and respond to them.

Saving the Best for Last

Unless you are a world-renowned company, you should lead with the logo and product. Don’t save it for the end of the ad or direct mail.

Start with what you can do for the customer, following up with details.

By avoiding these few mistakes that happen in direct mail, you can be sure to have a more successful campaign. We want to make sure you are successful. So we offer high-quality, beautiful direct mail that will represent your company well. Check us out today!

Hey, Coronavirus, we have you in our sights. Your day of reckoning is coming.