
Embrace Conflict and Diversity to Grow the Strongest Possible Teams

Embrace Conflict and Diversity to Grow the Strongest Possible Teams 2020 has been a time of unrest, listening, and re-evaluating priorities. Businesses have been particularly challenged to examine their own biases and to proactively seek the well-being of all people. While topics of diversity and inclusion can be difficult to navigate, strong leaders recognize that a variety of opinions and…

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Communicate Excellence with Vibrant Printed Posters and Signs

Communicate Excellence with Vibrant Printed Posters and Signs One glance is truly all it takes, and recent eye-tracking studies demonstrate how quickly first impressions happen. Dr. Hong Sheng, assistant professor of technology at the Missouri University of Science and Technology, employed eye-tracking software to analyze and scan response patterns as students viewed website screenshots. Subjects averaged merely 180 milliseconds on a particular…

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Hey, Coronavirus, we have you in our sights. Your day of reckoning is coming.